Office Hours
Trusted CI offers office hours to provide direct assistance to our community. To request an appointment, contact us with the subject, “Office Hours,” and any details you can provide.
Recommended Office Hours (Other sessions that may be of interest to our community):
The Bace Cybersecurity Institute hosts bi-weekly office hours as a webinar (more details)
Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) hosts weekly office hours on Wednesdays
GitHub hosts weekly office hours on their Twitch channel (more details)
Globus hosts office hours on a variable schedule
HTCondor-CE software is a Compute Entrypoint (CE) based on HTCondor for sites that are part of a larger computing grid
Office hour coordinates will be made available on the day of the event
Kubernetes hosts office hours every third Wednesday on YouTube live
NSF hosts office hours for many programs. The focus seems to be assisting people with solicitation questions
Pegasus hosts topic-driven office hours (Example: Workflows on OLCF Summit)
Puppet hosts many office hour sessions every week on Slack