Trusted CI Webinar Series
The purpose of the webinar series is to provide readily available cybersecurity services tailored to the NSF science community.
Webinars are presented live on the 4th Monday of the month (unless otherwise noted) at 11am Eastern time.
The webinars are recorded and will be linked to this page for later viewing. Each webinar includes time for questions from attendees. We use Zoom to conduct the webinars. Trusted CI Virtual Code of Conduct.
Upcoming topics are communicated on our blog. See our call for presentations to submit a request to present. For questions or feedback, email us at
2025 Season
February 24th @ 11am Eastern: Trusted Volunteer Edge-Cloud Computing for Scientific Workflows, Prasad Calyam (Award #2232889) (Register Now)
March 31st: Secure by Design’s Operational Technology Procurement Matrix, Trusted CI team
April 28th: Discover and defend cyber vulnerabilities of deep learning medical diagnosis models to adversarial attacks, Shandong Wu (Award #2115082)
May 19th: Maximizing Data Utility and Participant Privacy through Usable, Secure Data Workflows for Human-Centered AI Research, Kelly Caine & Bart Knijnenburg (Award# 2232690)
June 23rd: SciPDF: Usable Private Data Federation for Secure Scientific Collaboration, Chenghong Wang (Award #2419821)
July 28th: TIPPSS: Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety, and Security with Florence Hudson
September 22nd: Practical, Systematic Fuzz Testing for Securing Scientific Software, Stefan Nagy (Award #2419798)
Contact us to request to present:
(Other series that may be of interest to our community):
Bace Cybersecurity Institute | ESnet’s CI Engineering Lunch & Learn Series | ResearchSOC’s Webinars and Trainings |
Washington Area Trustworthy Computing Hour (WATCH) | InCommon IAM Webinar Series |
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Webinar Series | Great Plains Network ENCITE Webinars |
Best Practices for HPC Software Developers (IDEAS) | Regulated Research Community of Practice |
Past Events
Recorded presentations are listed below. Videos are also available on our YouTube channel.
January ‘25:HazardMon (NSF Award #2319944) with Sudarsun Kannan and Ramakrishnan Durairajan (Video)(Slides)
November ‘24: Privacy Preserving Aggregate Range Queries on Encrypted Multi-dimensional Databases (NSF Award #2232813) with Hoda Maleki (Video)(Slides)
August ‘24: JSON Web Tokens for Science: Hands-on Jupyter Notebook Tutorial with Jim Basney and Derek Weitzel (Video)(Slides)
July ‘24: Automated Building and Deploy Testing — Using Zeek as an example with Mike Dopheide (ESnet) (Video)(Slides)
June ‘24: The Transformative Twelve with Craig Jackson (Video)(Slides)
May ‘24: The NSF Research Infrastructure Guide with Mike Corn (Video)(Slides)
April ‘24: SPHERE (NSF Award #2330066) with David Balenson and Jelena Mirkovic (Video)(Slides)
March ‘24: ACCORD with Ron Hutchins and Tho Nguyen (NSF Award #1919667) (Video)(Slides)
December ‘23: Enhancing Integrity and Confidentiality for Secure Distributed Data Sharing (Open Science Chain) with Subhashini Sivagnanam (NSF Award #2114202) (Video)(Slides)
September ‘23: Improving the Privacy and Security of Data for Wastewater-based Epidemiology with Ni Trieu (Video) (Slides) (NSF Award #2115075)
August ‘23: Leveraging Adaptive Framework for Open Source Data Access Solutions with Jeremy Grieshop (Video)(Slides)
July ‘23: The Technical Landscape of Ransomware: Threat Models and Defense Models with Barton Miller and Elisa Heymann (Video)(Slides)
June ‘23: SecureMyResearch with Will Drake, Tim Daniel, and Anurag Shankar (Video)(Slides)
May ’23: Deception Awareness and Resilience Training (DART) with Anita Nikolich (NSF Award #2230494) (Video)(Slides)
April ’23: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services and Support (ACCESS) with Derek Simmel and Alex Withers (NSF Award #2138296) (Video)(Slides)
March ‘23: Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) with Steven Wallace (Video)(Slides)
February ‘23: Security Program for the NIH’s Common Fund Data Ecosystem with Rick Wagner (Video)(Slides)
January ‘23: Real-Time Operating System and Network Security for Scientific Middleware with Gedare Bloom (NSF Award #2001789) (Video)(Slides)
December ‘22: Science DMZ Engagement with University of Arkansas (Video)(Slides)
September ‘22: Lowering the Barrier to Entry for Regulated Research Through Community Building with Carolyn Ellis and Erik Deumens (Video)(Slides)
June ‘22: Ransomware with REN-ISAC’s Sarah Bigham and Krysten Stevens (Video)(Slides)
April ’22: Updates from the Trusted CI Framework Cohort with Scott Russell (Video)(Slides)
February ‘22: The Results of the Trusted CI Annual Challenge on Software with Sean Peisert, Elisa Heymann, and Barton Miller (Video)(Slides)
January ‘22: EDUCAUSE HECVAT v3 and OSC engagement with Kyle Early and Charles Escue (Video)(Slides)
December ‘21: Lessons from a Real-World Ransomware Attack on Research (Video)(Slides)
October ‘21: The Trusted CI Framework; Overview and Recent Developments with Scott Russell (Video)(Slides)
September ‘21: Q-Factor: Real-time data transfer optimization leveraging In-band Network provided by P4 data planes (Video)(Slides)
August ‘21: NCSA Experience with SOC2 in the Research Computing Space with Alex Withers (Video)(Slides)
July ’21: Open Science Grid with Brian Bockleman (Video)(Slides)
June ’21: Investigating Secure Development In Practice: A Human-Centered Perspective with Michelle Mazurek (Video)(Slides)
May ’21: Identifying Vulnerable GitHub Repositories with Sagar Samtani (Video)(Slides)
April ’21: Arizona State’s ScienceDMZ with Douglas Jennewein and Chris Kurtz (Video)(Slides)
March ’21: REED+ ecosystem with Carolyn Ellis, Jay Yang, and Preston Smith (Video)(Slides)
February ’21: The CARE Lab: Application, Research, and Education with Aunshul Rege (Video)(Slides)
January ’21: SciTokens with Jim Basney, Brian Bockelman, and Derek Weitzel (Video)(Slides)
December ’20: Trustworthy Data panel (Video)(Slides)
October ’20: RDP: Enforcing Security and Privacy Policies to Protect Research Data with Yuan Tian (Video)(Slides)
October ’20: Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) with Scott Russell (Video)(Slides)
September ’20: Trusted CI Webinar: ACCORD: Integrating CI policy and mechanism to support research on sensitive data; with Ron Hutchinson, Tho Nguyen, Neal Magee (Video)(Slides)
August ’20: Transitioning Cybersecurity Research to Practice - Success stories and tools you can use,” with Patrick Traynor, Florence Hudson, and Ryan Kiser (Video)(Slides)
July ’20: Whose line is it anyway? - Problem solving in complex networks with Doug Southworth (EPOC) (Video)(Slides)
June ’20: The ResearchSOC with Susan Sons (Video)(Slides)
May ’20: Is your code safe from attack? with Barton Miller and Elisa Heymann (Video)(Slides)
April ’20: Trustworthy Decision Making and Artificial Intelligence with Arjan Durresi (Video)(Slides)
March ’20: OnTimeURB: Multi-cloud Broker Framework for Creation of Secure and High-performance Science Gateways with Prasad Calyam (Video)(Slides)
February ’20: FABRIC: Adaptive programmaBle networked Research Infrastructure for Computer science with Anita Nikolich (Video)(Slides)
January ’20: REN-ISAC for Research Facilities & Projects with Kim Milford (Video)(Slides)
December ’19: DDoS Defense in Depth for DNS: Project Overview and Early Results with John Heidemann and colleagues (Video)(Slides)
October ’19: Trends in Global Privacy: GDPR One Year Later with Scott Russell (Video)(Slides)
September ’19: Jupyter Security at LLNL with Thomas Mendoza (Video)(Slides)
August ’19: Integrity Protection for Scientific Workflow Data: Motivation and Initial Experiences with Anirban Mandal and Mats Rynge (Video)(Slides)
July ’19: Ancile: Enhancing Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing with Use-Based Policy with Jason Waterman (Video)(Slides)
June ’19: The Trusted CI Framework: Toward Practical, Comprehensive Cybersecurity Programs with the Trusted CI team (Video)(Slides)
May ’19: Deployable Internet Routing Security with Amir Herzberg (Video)(Slides)
April ’19: REED+: A cybersecurity framework for research data at Purdue University with Preston Smith (Video)(Slides)
March ’19: The NSF CC-DNI SecureCloud Project: Autonomic Cybersecurity for Zero Trust Cloud Computing with Casimer DeCusatis (Video)(Slides)
February ’19: Anticipatory Cyber Defense via Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning and Simulation by Shanchieh (Jay) Yang (Video)(Slides)
January ’19: The Research Security Operations Center (ResearchSOC) with Von Welch and RSOC leadership team (Video)(Slides)
December ’18: Best Practices for Academic Cloud Service Providers with Rion Dooley (Video)(Slides)
October ’18: Urgent Problems and (Mostly) Open Solutions with Jeff Spies (Video)(Slides)
September ’18: SCI Trust Framework with David Kelsey (Video)(Slides)
August ’18: NIST 800-171 Compliance Program at University of Connecticut with Jason Pufahl (Video)(Slides)
July ’18: Trustworthy Computing for Scientific Workflows with Mayank Varia and Andrei Lapets (Video)(Slides)
June ’18: Security Program at LSST with Alex Withers (Video)(Slides)
May ’18: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with Scott Russell (Video)(Slides)
April ’18: Toward Security-Managed Virtual Science Networks with Jeff Chase and Paul Ruth (Video)(Slides)
March ’18: Data Quality & Security Evaluation Framework Dev. with Leon Reznik & Igor Khokhlov (Video)(Slides)
February ’18: SMARTDATA Blockchain with Murat Kantarcioglu (Video)(Slides)
December ’17: CTSC's Services and Vision with Von Welch (Video)(Slides)
October ’17: Cybersecurity in an Open and Decentralized Network with Aashish Sharma (Video)(Slides)
September ’17: Demystifying Threat Intelligence with Romain Wartel (Video)(Slides)
August ’17: An overview of CTSC Engagements & Application Process with Von Welch (Video)(Slides)
August ’17: Stronger Security for Password Authentication with Stanislaw Jarecki (Video)(Slides)
July ’17: Inaugural Security Program at Internet2 by Paul Howell (Video)(Slides)
June ’17: Provenance Assurance Using Currency Primitives with Anthony Skjellum & Richard Brooks (Video)(Slides)
May ’17: Cybersecurity Research: Transition to Practice with Emily Nichols and Alec Yasinsac (Video)(Slides)
Apr. ’17: HIPAA and FISMA: Computing with Regulated Data with Susan Ramsey & Anurag Shankar (Video)(Slides)
Mar. ’17: SDN and IAM Integration at Duke by Richard Biever & Charley Kneifel(Video)(Slides)
Feb. ’17 Practical Cybersecurity for Open Science Proj. by Susan Sons, Craig Jackson, & Bob Cowles (Video)(Slides)
Jan. ’17: Open Science Cyber Risk Profile (OSCRP) by Von Welch & Sean Peisert (Video)(Slides)
Dec. ’16: NSF CICI Regional Cybersecurity Collaboration Projects (Video)(Slides)
Oct. ’16: Science or Security by George Strawn (Video)(Slides)
Sep. ’16: Tragedy of the Commons by David Nalley (Video)(Slides)
Aug. ’16: The Science DMZ as a Security Architecture by Michael Sinatra, ESnet (Video)(Slides)
Jul. ’16: XSEDE Information Sharing with James Marsteller (Video)(Slides)
Jun. ’16: Risk Self-Evaluation with CTSC's Terry Fleury (Video)(Slides)