Trusted CI panel at PEARC19

Members of Trusted CI will be attending the PEARC19 panel, “Community Engagement at Scale: NSF Centers of Expertise,” on Tuesday July 30th at 1:30pm - 3pm in the Atlanta room.

This panel brings together the leaders of centers of expertise serving the CI and NSF communities to present what they wish everyone knew about their respective area and to explore the challenges and lessons learned with the cross-cutting topic of community engagement at scale.

Panelists include:

  • Ruth Marinshaw — Moderator (Stanford University)

  • Daniel Crawford (MoISSI)

  • Ewa Deelman (CI CoE Pilot)

  • Jennifer Schopf (EPOC)

  • Von Welch (ResearchSOC, Trusted CI)

  • Nancy Wilkins-Diehr (SGCI)

  • Frank Wuerthwein (OSG)