
Trusted CI undertakes outreach activities both to disseminate its work and to make NSF CI projects aware of its services. Below is a listing of all presentations given by Trusted CI organized by year.



  • Sean Peisert. NASEM Cyber Resilience Forum Summer Meeting: Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure. San Francisco, CA, August 31, 2023. [Slides]

  • Jim Basney. 2023 MS-CC All Hands Meeting. The Trusted CI Framework for Cybersecurity Programs. August 24th, 2023. [Slides][Video]

  • Jim Basney. MS-CC Annual Meeting: A Brief Introduction to Trusted CI. May 11, 2023. [Slides]

  • Jim Basney. 3rd High-Performance Computing Security Workshop: Trusted CI Framework. March 15, 2023. [Slides]

  • Sean Peisert. Usable Computer Security and Privacy to Enable Data Sharing in High-Performance Computing Environments. Third NIST HPC Security Summit. March 16, 2023.[Slides]


  • Jim Basney. Internet2 Technology Exchange: Trusted CI Update. December 8, 2022. [Slides]

  • Jim Basney. SC22 MAGIC Meeting: Trusted CI Update. November 15, 2022. [Slides]

  • Jim Basney. Research Cybersecurity Insights for 2022. 2022 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. October 26, 2022. [Slides]

  • Von Welch. It’s not just where the money is any more: Ransomware and Research. Presentation at MS-CC Ransomware Security and Cyberinfrastructure Workshop, Greensboro, North Carolina. June 22, 2022. [Slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for Science: Why and How. Presentation at the Minority Service Cyberinfrastructure Consortium (MS-CC) All Hands Meeting, May 26, 2022. [Slides]

  • Sean Peisert. NITRD MAGIC Meeting: Trusted CI Evaluation, Guidance, and Programs for Assurance of Scientific Software. March 2, 2022. [Slides]


  • Von Welch. Perspectives from 10 Years of NSF Science Cybersecurity. DOE ASCR Workshop on Cybersecurity and Privacy for Scientific Computing Ecosystems, November 3-5, 2021. [Slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for “Open Science” APLU Council on Research, September 9th, 2021. [Slides]

  • James Basney and Von Welch. Trusted CI - The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence: A Resource for Research Security. REN-ISAC Virtual Member Meeting (vRIMM), Jun 29, 2021. [Slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for Science: Why and How. 2021 Canadian Foundation for Innovation Major Science Initiatives (MSI) Workshop, March 2021. [Slides]

  • Robert Hardy, Michael Corn, Carolyn Ellis, Von Welch and Jarret Cummings. Institutional Experiences with CMMC. Coucil on Governmental Relations (COGR) February 2021 Meeting, February 2021. [Slides]



  • Terry Fleury, Ryan Kiser, and Jeremy Sampson. NEON & CI-CoE Pilot: Identity Management, a Story. 2019 NSF Cybersecurity Summit, October 2019. [Slides]

  • Jim Basney, Terry Fleury, and Charles Nguyen. Risk Assessment Panel. 2019 NSF Cybersecurity Summit, October 2019. [Slides]

  • Von Welch. State of Trusted CI and NSF Trustworthy Cyberinfrastucture. 2019 NSF Cybersecurity Summit, October 2019. [Slides]

  • Dana Brunson and Von Welch. Assuring Research Across the Quilt. The Quilt 2019 Fall Member Meeting, September 2019. [Slides]

  • Von Welch. I Cut, You Choose: How to Share a Service?. 2019 NSF Large Facilities CI Workshop panel on Shared CI Services: Opportunities and Challenges, September 2019. [Slides]

  • Scott Russell. NCSA Cybersecurity and Networking Division Speaker Series. Learning Security's First Principles with the Super Mario Bros. September 2019. [video][slides]

  • Florence Hudson. TIPPSS (Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety, Security) for Enabling & Securing Our Increasingly Connected World. Securing Research Data: A Workshop on Emerging Practices in Computation and Storage for Sensitive Data. August 2019. [slides]

  • Jim Basney. Trusted CI PEARC19 paper, Trusted CI Experiences in Cybersecurity and Service to Open Science. July 2019. [slides]

  • Jim Basney, et al. Trusted CI PEARC19 workshop. July 2019 [slides]

  • Daniel Crawford, Ewa Deelman, Von Welch, Frank Wuerthwein, Mike Zentner and Jason Zurawski. Community Engagement at Scale: NSF Centers of Expertise. Panel at PEARC19, July 2019. [slides]

  • Von Welch. A 5-year Vision for an NSF Cybersecurity Ecosystem. PEARC19, July 2019. [slides]

  • Jim Basney. CyberRISK workshop for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Panel. July 2019. [blog post]

  • Von Welch. Science and Networks and Cybersecurity. Training Workshop for Network Engineers and Educators on Tools and Protocols for High-Speed Networks, July 2019. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Trusted CI: The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Briefing to the KINBER Cybersecurity Working Group, June 2019. [slides]

  • Ewa Deelman, Victoria Stodden, Michela Taufer and Von Welch. Initial Thoughts on Cybersecurity And Reproducibility. 2nd International Workshop on Practical Reproducible Evaluation of Computer Systems (P-RECS19), June 2019. [slides] [paper]

  • Susan Sons and Von Welch. NSF Resources for Research Cybersecurity: Trusted CI and ResearchSOC. Cyberinfrastructure Brown Bag, June 2019. [slides]

  • Kay Avila, Bob Cowles, and Craig Jackson. A Practical Cybersecurity Framework for Open Science Projects and Facilities. Presented to the 2019 Great Plains Network All Hands Meeting. May 2019. [slides]

  • Ryan Kiser and Anurag Shankar. Building a NIST Risk Management Framework for HIPAA, CUI, and FISMA. Presented to the 2019 Great Plains Network All Hands Meeting. May 2019. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity to Enable Science: Hindsight and Vision from the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Presented at NCSA, May 2019. [slides][video]

  • Von Welch. FAIR in an unfair world: Cybersecurity, data breaches, data integrity, and open science. Keynote at the International Symposium on Grids & Clouds 2019 (ISGC 2019), April 2019. [slides]

  • Von Welch, Jim Basney and Bob Cowles. A Cybersecurity Framework for Open Science: Motivations and Requirements Discussion. 2019 ISGC Security Workshop, March 2019. [slides]

  • Mike Corn and Von Welch. Cybersecurity to Enable Science: Hindsight and Vision from the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. CENIC 2019, March 2019. [slides]

  • Jim Basney, Mike Corn and Von Welch. Strategies for Research Cybersecurity and Compliance from the Lab. 2019 Internet2 Global Summit, March 2019. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for Open Science. 2019 Internet2 Global Summit Executive Track, March 2019. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for Trustworthy Science: The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. SIAM CSE19 Broader Engagement Mini-symposium on Securing Extreme-Scale Scientific Computing, February 2019. [slides]

  • Jim Basney. Trusted CI’s approach to security for open science projects, 13th FIM4R Workshop, February 2019 [slides]


  • Anurag Shankar. Securing Research Data on Campus – Not Just HIPAA and FISMA, Indiana University Statewide IT Conference October 2018 [slides]

  • Mark Krenz. Your Cloud Data Exposed, a look at the issues of sharing documents on Google Drive and Box, Indiana University Statewide IT Conference October 2018 [slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity to Enable Science: Hindsight and Vision from the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. NSF OAC webinar, September 2018 [slides][recording].

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity: We Don't Have It Right Yet. 2018 NSF Cybersecurity Summit Keynote, August 2018 [slides].

  • Grayson Harbour. Evidence Based Cybersecurity. 2018 NSF Cybersecurity Summit Presentation, 23 August 2018 [slides].

  • Jim Basney, August SGCI Bootcamp. Cybersecurity for Gateways [slides].

  • Anita Nikolich, Von Welch. Trusted CI Panel Presentation at PEARC18, July 2018.

  • Craig Jackson, Bob Cowles. Practical Cybersecurity Programs for Science Projects and Facilities. Trusted CI Workshop at PEARC18, July 2018. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for Research on Small Campuses. Strategic Partnership for Advanced Cyber Infrastructure @ Minority Serving Institutions, June 2018. [slides]

  • Anurag Shankar and Jim Basney presented "Cybersecurity for Research on Campus: Not Just HIPAA & FISMA" at the Internet2 Global Summit, May 2018. [slides/video]

  • Warren Raquel led a pre-conference workshop, "Incident Response Training", at the EDUCAUSE Security Professionals conference, April 2018. [slides]

  • Mark Krenz led a pre-conference workshop, "Security Log Analysis", at the EDUCAUSE Security Professionals conference, April 2018. [slides]

  • Anurag Shankar, Jim Basney, and Von Welch presented "Cybersecurity for Research on Campus: Not Just HIPAA & FISMA" at the EDUCAUSE Security Professionals conference, April 2018. [slides]

  • Von Welch and Mark Krenz presented “Cybersecurity for the Modern Science Gateway” at the Science Gateways Community Institute's webinar, February 2018. [webinar] [slides]


  • Von Welch presented a five-year retrospective of CTSC at ISI on October 30th: CTSC Five Years Later: Lessons Learned from Serving the NSF Community. Invited talk at USC/ISI, October 2017. [slides]

  • Von Welch presented an overview of CACR activities at SC17 that includes CTSC experiences: Cybersecurity and Science. Presentation at IU SC17 Booth, November 2017. [slides]

  • Jim Basney and Scott Koranda organized an IAM workshop co-located with AGU17 on December 10. [blog post]

  • Mark Krenz gave a presentation at BroCon 2017 on September 12th on the use of awk to analyze Bro logs to detect a variety of security incidents as well as generate useful statistics. Mark also announced a new open source software tool he wrote that allows Bro users to better interface with Bro logs using awk syntax. The software is called 'bawk' and is available at A recording of the presentation can be viewed at [video]

  • Bob Cowles gave a presentation to the Silicon Valley chapter of ISACA using an updated version of the “Beyond the Beltway” talk previously given at the 2017 NSF Summit. About 30 people attended from various companies in Silicon Valley.

  • Von Welch. A Science DMZ in Every Pot?. National Research Platform Workshop, August 2017. [slides]

  • Von Welch, Craig Jackson, Bob Cowles, Susan Sons and Scott Russell. Cybersecurity for Science. PEARC/ARCC, July 2017. [slides]

  • Bart Miller and Elisa Heymann described how to apply their First Principles Vulnerability Assessment (FPVA) methodology to critical maritime shipping software infrastructure at the 2nd NATO Conference on Cyber Security in the Maritime Domain, held in July 2017 at the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operations Training Center on Crete.

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for Science. SPAN Meeting at South Carolina State University, May 2017. [slides]

  • Jim Marsteller. The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Towards Security Assured Cyberinfrastructure in Pennsylvania (SAC-PA) CI Cybersecurity Workshop, June 22 & 23 2017, Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center. 

  • Jim Marsteller. Current and Future Large Facilities Impacts. NSF Large Facilities Workshop, May 3rd 2017 at LIGO Livingston & Baton Rouge. [slides]

  • Jim Basney. Center for Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure (CTSC) and Software Assurance Marketplace (SWAMP). CASC Spring Meeting, March 2017. [slides]

  • Craig Jackson. The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Great Plains Network ENCITE Webinar, February 2017. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Randy Heiland. CTSC Poster for NSF SI2 PI Meeting, February 2017. [poster]

  • James Marsteller. Von Welch. The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence: Current and Future Large Facilities Impacts. NSF Large Facilities Security WG, February 2017. [slides]




  • Von Welch. Managing Scientific Collaboration using Identity Management and Access Control to Online Resources. AGU 2016 Fall Meeting, December 2016. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Update on IdM for Research: What's new since SC15?. MAGIC Meeting co-located with SC16, November 2016. [slides]

  • Von Welch. The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. Presentation at 2016 NSF Cybersecurity Summit for Large Facilities and Cyberinfrastructure, August 2016. [slides]

  • Scott Russell, Craig Jackson, Robert Cowles, Cybersecurity Budgeting: A Survey of Benchmarking Research and Recommendations to Organizations, presented at and to be published in the report of the 2016 NSF Cybersecurity Summit, Arlington, VA, 17 Aug 2016. [slides

  • Jim Basney, Craig Jackson, Jim Marsteller, Bart Miller and Von Welch. The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. CTSC Webinar Series, May 2016. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity to Enable Open Science. Keynote at First International Conference on the Internet, Cyber Security and Information Systems, Botswana, May 2016. [slides]

  • Von Welch. The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence: Cybersecurity for Science. Southern Partnership in Advanced Networking Workshop, March 2016. [slides]

  • Jim Basney, Craig Jackson, Jim Marsteller and Von Welch. The NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence and Large Facility Cybersecurity. NSF FacSec Meeting, February 2016.

  • Bob Cowles. Recommendations on Cybersecurity Programmes in e-Science Projects. Presentation at 36th EUGridPMA Bratislava Meeting, January 2016. [slides]


  • Barton Miller. Cyber Security Insights and Perspectives, FedScoop podcast, September 2015. [podcast]

  • Von Welch. Trustworthy Computational Science: Lessons Learned and Next Steps. Presentation at 2015 NSF Cybersecurity Summit for Large Facilities and Cyberinfrastructure, August 2015. [slides]

  • Barton Miller. Why Johnny and Janie Can’t Code Safely: Bring Software Assurance to the Masses.  Invited talk at USENIX Security Conference, August 2015, Washington, D.C.

  • Randy Heiland. Authentication and Authorization Considerations for a Multi-tenant Service. Workshop on The Science of Cyberinfrastructure: Research, Experience, Applications and Models (SCREAM '15), Portland, OR, June 2015.

  • Randy Heiland. Analysis of authentication events and graphs using Python. Poster session at SIAM Workshop on Network Science, Snowbird, UT, May 2015.

  • Von Welch. Trustworthy Computational Science: A Multi-decade Perspective. Presentation at Internet2 Global Summit, April 2015. [slides]

  • Ann West, James Jokl, Susan Blair and Von Welch. InCommon Goes International: What Interfederation Could Mean to You. Presentation at Internet2 Global Summit, April 2015. [video]

  • Barton Miller (with Miron Livny). The Role of Academia in Software Assurance: A Briefing from Campus. Presentation to the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, March 2015, Washington, D.C.

  • Jim Basney, Von Welch. Resources for Secure Science: XSIM and CTSC. Presentation at 2015 OSG All Hands Meeting, March 2015.

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for Science. Presentation at Advancing Research Computing on Campuses: Best Practices Workshop, March 2015. [slides]


  • Barton Miller. Silver Bullet Podcast #98, hosted by Gary McGraw, 2014. [podcast]

  • Scott Koranda attended the 2014 European Workshop on Trust and Identity (unconference style) in Vienna, Austria in December 2014, co-located with a REFEDs workshop, to present on the international SAML inter-federation needs for large science projects including LIGO.

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for Science. IU Booth Presentation at SC14, November 2014. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Campus Identities for Research. Presentation at Internet2 Technology Exchange 2014, October 2014. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for Cyberinfrastructure and Science!. Presentation at 2014 HUBbub, September 2014. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Cybersecurity for NSF Science: What does that Mean?. Presentation at 2014 NSF Cybersecurity Summit for Large Facilities and Cyberinfrastructure, August 2014. [slides]

  • Von Welch. CTSC: Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure. Presentation to NSF CC-NIE Workshop, April 2014. [slides]

  • Scott Koranda. International SAML Federation Needs for LIGO. Presentation at REFEDs workshop held in conjunction with the 39th APAN meeting in Fukuoka, Japan. March, 2015. [slides]

  • Von Welch. CTSC: Service Model and Experiences. Presentation to NSF SI2 PI Meeting, February 2014. [slides]

  • Scott Koranda. Federated Identity in Research: A US Perspective. Presentation at the seventh Federated Identity in Research (FIM4R) meeting held at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2014. [slides]

  • Von Welch. Scientific Data Security. Presentation to ASIS&T Bloomington Chapter, January 2014. [slides]


  • Craig Jackson, James Marsteller and Von Welch. 2013 NSF Cybersecurity Summit for Cyberinfrastructure and Large Facilities. Presentation to NSF Large Facilities Security Group (FacSec), December 2013. [slides]

  • Von Welch. A view from the field of NSF cybersecurity challenges, goals, and opportunities. 2013 NSF Cybersecurity Summit for Cyberinfrastructure and Large Facilities, October 2013. [slides]