Training materials
Below is a list of training materials presented by Trusted CI staff or hosted at Trusted CI events.
Introduction to Software Security - A developing collection of modules for learning basic to advanced secure coding, written by Trusted CI's Elisa Heymann and Barton P. Miller
2019 Great Plains Network Annual meeting
Kay Avila, Bob Cowles, and Craig Jackson. A Practical Cybersecurity Framework for Open Science Projects and Facilities. (slides)
Ryan Kiser and Anurag Shankar. Building a NIST Risk Management Framework for HIPAA, CUI, and FISMA. (slides)
2018 Cybersecurity Summit training day (August 21)
Automated Assessment Tools – Theory & Practice
Industrial Control Systems - Existing Infrastructure and New Designs
2018 SGCI Webinar - Cybersecurity for the Modern Science Gateway (February 14, 2018)
Video - Von Welch (CACR) & Mark Krenz (CACR)
CPP-CTSC SFS Cyberinfrastructure Security Workshop (October, 2017)
2017 NSF Cybersecurity Summit Training Materials (August 15, 2017)
Security Log Analysis Training - Mark Krenz (CACR)
2017 Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC17)
2017 Great Plains Network Greater Western Library Alliance Annual Meeting
Incident Response - Warren Raquel (NCSA)
Log Analysis - Mark Krenz (CACR)
2016 NSF Cybersecurity Summit Training Materials (August 16, 2016)
Log Analysis Training with CTSC and BRO - Vlad Grigorescu, Warren Raquel, Adam Slagell, Jeannette Dopheide (NCSA)
Federated Identity Management for Research Organizations - Jim Basney (NCSA and University of Illinois / CTSC) & Scott Koranda (Spherical Cow Group / CTSC)
REN-ISAC Cyberthreat Training - Kim Milford and Todd Herring (REN-ISAC)
Developing Cybersecurity Programs for NSF Projects - Bob Cowles, Craig Jackson, Jim Marsteller, Susan Sons (CTSC)
Building a NIST Risk Management Framework for HIPAA and FISMA Compliance - Anurag Shankar (Indiana University)
Secure Coding Practices and Automated Assessment Tools - Prof. Barton P. Miller & Prof. Elisa Heymann (University of Wisconsin / CTSC)
Securing Legacy Industrial Control Systems - Phil Salkie (Jenariah Industrial Automation)
Building the Modern Research Data Portal Using the Globus Platform - Steve Tuecke (University of Chicago)
Secure Software Engineering Best Practices - Randy Heiland & Susan Sons (CTSC)
2016 Spring Practical Cybersecurity for Open Science Projects
2015 NSF Cybersecurity Summit Training Materials (August 17, 2015)
Bro Platform Training Workshop - Johanna Amann (ICSI), Justin Azoff (NCSA) & Adam Slagell (NCSA)
Developing Cybersecurity Programs for NSF Projects - Bob Cowles, Craig Jackson, Jim Marsteller & Susan Sons (CTSC)
Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Secure Coding Practices - Barton P. Miller & Elisa Heymann
Industrial Control Systems, Networking, and Cybersecurity - Phil Salkie (Jenariah Industrial Automation)
Aligning your Research Cyberinfrastructure with HIPAA and FISMA - Anurag Shankar (Indiana University)
Incident Response Training - Randy Butler (NCSA)
2014 NSF Cybersecurity Summit Training Materials (August 26, 2014)
Developing Cybersecurity Programs for NSF Projects - Jim Marsteller, Susan Sons, Craig Jackson, Jared Allar (CTSC)
Also available as a series of online videos
Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Secure Coding Practices - Barton P. Miller, James A. Kupsch, Elisa Heymann (University of Wisconsin)
HPC, HIPAA, and FISMA: Meeting the Regulatory Challenge through Effective Risk Management - Bill Barnett & Anurag Shankar (Indiana University)
Incident Response Training - Randy Butler, Warren Raquel, Patrick Duda (NCSA)
2013 NSF Cybersecurity Summit Training Materials (September 30, 2013)

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